Adventure in the Jungle
Jungle Treks and Surfing Escapades: Days filled with jungle treks through the captivating Costa Rican landscapes and surfing the world's renowned waves await you. Accompanied by our expert instructors, you'll push your limits, discover your strengths, and unlock your full potential. Our dedicated staff equips and guides you to uncover every hidden gem in this breathtaking destination.
Immersive jungle treks and legendary Costa Rican surf adventures.
Expert instructors to help you embrace the thrill.
Comprehensive support from our attentive staff to explore every corner of this beautiful place.
Surf & Explore in Santa Teresa
6 nights accommodation
3 surf classes with full surf equipment and professional and experienced local surf instructors
Time to explore the location
1 Zip line
1 Tour 3 Waterfall with lunch and explore Montezuma
1 Day ATV rental to explore all-around Santa Teresa
Full daily breakfast and local food lunch
Board free to use during your stay
Snorkel equipment to dive into secret locations
Welcome Smoothie or beer.